Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Random Thoughts

Today i wrote Lyric a love letter. In case you don't know. Lyric is my unborn child. The letter consists of 3 parts. Im debating on whether I want to share it with the world. I think i am, just not at this very moment. The letter is so special to me. Lyric is special to me. I can't wait for arrival.

Today was my first day back to work after Jury Duty. Work was cool. I missed my co-workers. They missed me too! My boss really liked her Boss day/Birthday gift. I have the absolute best manager. She is definitely is worthy, she works hard.

It's funny how Lyrics dad has not contacted me in two days. I really do not understand him. I don't know if he needs space or if he lost interest. Either way I have to move on with my life and do whats best for me and my kids. Im grateful that today I can say that I am not stressed. Still a little sad but im managing. Today is better than yesterday and even if it weren't I still wouldn't complain. I would just say "Thank you Lord" and keep it moving.

That was my day folks. I hope you all have a super blessed night!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lovely Day

Today was a lovely day.  Nothing extra.  I'm just blessed to be able to say God has kept me.  If I haven't shared with you all; for the past 3 days I've been performing my civil duty as a Juror in my City.  The case is now settled and I'm back to work tomorrow.  Jury duty was a wonderful experience.  I found it to be very amazing.  I'm not sure why many people try to get out of it.  As a result of me serving 3 days, if I am selected again within the next three years I can opt to not participate.  If I do get selected I don't think I will opt out.  I have a feeling I will be selected again because every opportunity I have to vote I do so #OBAMA 2012.  I hear that's how they select people for jury duty where I am from.  Anyway.  I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.  The kiddies are resting... well all accept for this little angel in my womb right now... I will soon be off to dream land.  May you all have a super blessed night!

Galations 5: 22-23

But the fruits if the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
What this means to me. We as humans are driven by a spirit. Whether the spirit is good, bad or even wavering between the two because no one person on this planet is perfect. What are fruits? A fruit in the form of a noun is a sweet fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed that can be eaten as food. Lets break this down. I'm no bible scholar but God speaks to and gives me revelation. We're talking about fruits of the SPIRIT here. A lot of the text in the bible is in the form of analogies. With that being said just as fruits bare seeds... As should we. We do actually, on the natural and on the spiritual. The fruits mentioned above represents the spirit of God. We were created in the image of God, that means to be God-like. By possessing these fruits we represent the God in us. All of these fruits are essential to how people view us. They display characteristics. How do you want to be perceived by others? If you were to leave this place this very second how will you be remembered? Not only are these characteristics vital to a successful christian life but they are vital to living a GOOD life in general. I employ you all to examine yourselves and i challenge you... If you are not already displaying these fruits in your life. Try it. Adopt these actions. Let the seed be planted into your spirit and passed down from generation to generation. Displaying these fruits do NOT mean that you will be perfect however I think with these fruits we as a people will feel better. These fruits helps us to manage certain situations in our lives. These are just my thoughts. I hope they were enlightening. Peace and Love!

The young Barack Obama compared to my 2 year old Asa!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Late Nights/Early Mornings

I cannot sleep right now.  My unborn child Lyric is kicking the mess out of me.  She always want to be up at night.  Not to mention there is a million thoughts running through my head.  Here I am still thinking about my daughters father.  I love him so much.  Why he left me I still can't comprehend.  I want to think he doesn't love me or care any longer but everytime I refrain from contacting him... he contacts me.  He contacted me this morning after a few days of hearing nothing at all from him.  He sent me as message saying that he woke up wanting to kiss me.  Attached to the message was a song.  An additional message read: Good morning beautiful.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend and I hope you have a blessed and stress free day.  In my mind i'm like "What da hell?"  This message just made me stressed because you're acting like you care and in all actuality you DON'T.  Or am I looking too much into a simple message and he was just being nice.  I really don't know how to handle him or what to do concerning him.  All I can do is pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions.  I want to fight for my family but I don't want to be niave.  I don't want to be played or taken advantage of.  Ever since he has contacted me he set me back from the progress I had made regarding NOT contacting him.  I really don't know what to expect. 
By belly is growing, becoming more prominent.  I feel like I look like i'm due any day now and i'm only 7 months.  I can't believe I was stressing my whole entire pregnancy.  This was not at all the joyful experience I expected.  I'm so grateful Lyric is healthy! She's so strong!  I was trying to think of some acronyms for her.  L (Lovely) Y (Young) R (Resilient) I (Incredible) C (Child).  LYRIC!  I love my baby girl.  My children brings me so much joy.  It hurts my heart to know that her father didn't want her.  I'm feeling better because he's embracing her now but children are a gift from God and they should be cherished!  I am going to try to get some sleep.  I think I want to write a letter to my unborn child.  That may or may not be the next thing I post.  We shall see.  In the mean time In between time... I wish you all peace and blessings.  Good Night!!!

Beautiful Woman


Beautiful woman, once strong and robust
Torn, scorned by abuse and mistrust.
Saddened by the disability to decipher true love from lust
because the heart has been stomped on and left in the dust

Arise Beautiful woman, come up out of the pitts
Never self-destruct due to someone else's ignorance,
or their belligerence. You are much more intelligent.
Get to a place where the hurt is no longer prevalent.

Beautiful woman, know your worth!
You are more than a conqueror, and yes
certainly you will overcome.
This is YOUR song so play to the beat of YOUR drum.

Written by Tash

This is me

Who am I? I am Latasha Williams but my friends call me Tash. I am a brown woman who was born and raised in the streets of Philadelphia. My early childhood years were spent in Southwest Philly. Brought up in a 2 parent household, along with 2 older siblings, I assumed that things would always be easy and I would always be happy. That was my life until I was old enough to recognize that life wasn't so simple. At the age of 5 I began to understand that there were problems in my home, I just didn't know to what degree. My mother abruptly moved me and my siblings to North Philadelphia without any explanations. All I could comprehend was that daddy treated her badly. With that I felt no bitterness towards him he was my father and their issues was just that "their issues". Time elapsed and my teenage years were here before I knew it. As a teenager I understood that daddy was a full blown crackhead whose only concern was himself and his hit. No love lost though because in my mind he had a problem and needed help. I just prayed for him. Mommy was always there for us, nurturing, caring, and doing the best that she could to provide for us.

In addition to my family struggles, I was teased and ridiculed for wearing glasses and not being the hippest kid, mostly by kids who didn't know me. Those who knew me loved, trusted and appreciated me. As I got older I identified myself,I loved myself for who I was... coke bottle glasses and all :-). I was determined to enhance my beauty so I had my optometrist put some high index in those coke bottle lenses to thin them out. I got some cute frames and couldn't anybody tell me anything! A few years later I upgraded to contact lenses and that ugly duckling was transformed into a beautiful swan! At that point I noticed more people were interested in getting to know me because they thought I looked nice. I became "Popular" I developed "Swag". To be considered cool made me feel good. I was blessed, heavily into the Lord, I had a boyfriend, and at 19 I had a son. My mommy was supportive, my daddy was still on crack but we communicated sometimes so that gave me peace within the situation. I thought the age of 20 was my year.

That same year I lost my bother to gun violence. He was brutally murdered. If that weren't enough, the next year I lost my mother to Lung Cancer. Through it all, and as the years passed I lost my father due do an overdose on drugs. I have had failed relationships, moments of oppression, depression, joy, peace, and happiness. More recently, I am a single mother of 2 beautiful boys an 11 year old and a 2 year old.  Still single do to unfortunate circumstances I am now expecting my 3rd child.  A baby girl.  A blessing from God.  I'm naming her Lyric.   I love the Lord, I am here to show that I am not perfect, I have made many mistakes and I am sure there are more mistakes to come, however I learn from my mistakes and sometimes it even takes for me to make the same mistake over and over again to finally get the picture, but it's okay because I am human. I am growing and I am maturing. At the end of the day I am grateful, I am blessed and I will keep on trusting the Lord. I hope you all feel as if you have known me forever, I look forward with sharing my thoughts with you and hearing back from you all as well.

Sincerely Tash

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Welcome to The Isolation Room

Where do I begin? So you’ve read the introduction, yes this is my space.  I call it the Isolation room.  Unlike a real isolation room, in this room you are welcome to be a fly on the wall.  In my mind it is just me and my thoughts, all alone.  But I welcome you to learn about my life… my experiences.  I hope by sharing the details of my life someone is touched.  As long as I can reach out and touch someone I feel that my purpose is being fulfilled.  I have another Blog that I’m working on with a partner that is currently under construction.  I felt as though I was going through so much I just couldn’t wait and I needed to share these stories with the world.
I have to get you all caught up.   I’m not going to go into detail just yet about my past.  I want to make you all abreast of my current situation.  Prior to doing that there are some things I feel you all should know about me.  I am a 30 year old single mother.  Extremely independent, I have a full time job, I am a homeowner, and I’m making it in life.  I’m not perfect but I fear God.  I put every ounce of faith I have in HIM, however I’m a mere human, I get weak and discouraged at times.  The most important thing is that I always seem to find the strength to build that faith back up.  I have 2 sons by two different fathers and a daughter on the way… yes with a different father.  Where I’m from if a woman has 3 kids by 3 different men they are classified as loose or easy for lack of better terms.  You will learn more about my story but I am going to bring you up to speed on the current day. 
Today 10/14/2012.  I am still trying to keep myself together.  I’m currently 7 months pregnant and going through this pregnancy all alone.  My unborn child father left me when I was 2 months because I neglected to get an abortion.  The father and I were in a relationship for a year.  Things were like any other relationship to me.  We had our good days and bad days.  I couldn’t fathom the thought of him leaving me during a time that I needed him most.  I had no intentions on pinning a child on him but we are both adults and we both were well aware of our actions and the consequences that came along with them.  He left me and he was serious about it.  Me being a fool would still deal with him, all the while he is doing is own thing.  That was a poor decision for me to make because I was and am constantly getting hurt.  I’m trying to give you all the “meat” of the story but there is details in between that will later be expressed in future blogs that may be random thoughts, poems, and videos.  The thing is I am still in love with him and it’s so difficult to let go.  I feel like I need him, but he’s not treating me right and I know I can do better.  Furthermore, what about my unborn child? She deserves a mother and a father who wants, loves and appreciates her.  I do, more than anything in the world.  I just don’t know if he does.  I pray that God gives me the strength to get past this and be the strong, wonderful mother that I AM to my children.  I know he will.  I just have to keep the faith.  Well, I don’t want to drain you all with my stories on the first night so I will check back in and keep you all posted.  Please stop back by.  I would love to hear from you!  And there is a lot more about this lovable person that I would love to share J