Sunday, October 14, 2012

Welcome to The Isolation Room

Where do I begin? So you’ve read the introduction, yes this is my space.  I call it the Isolation room.  Unlike a real isolation room, in this room you are welcome to be a fly on the wall.  In my mind it is just me and my thoughts, all alone.  But I welcome you to learn about my life… my experiences.  I hope by sharing the details of my life someone is touched.  As long as I can reach out and touch someone I feel that my purpose is being fulfilled.  I have another Blog that I’m working on with a partner that is currently under construction.  I felt as though I was going through so much I just couldn’t wait and I needed to share these stories with the world.
I have to get you all caught up.   I’m not going to go into detail just yet about my past.  I want to make you all abreast of my current situation.  Prior to doing that there are some things I feel you all should know about me.  I am a 30 year old single mother.  Extremely independent, I have a full time job, I am a homeowner, and I’m making it in life.  I’m not perfect but I fear God.  I put every ounce of faith I have in HIM, however I’m a mere human, I get weak and discouraged at times.  The most important thing is that I always seem to find the strength to build that faith back up.  I have 2 sons by two different fathers and a daughter on the way… yes with a different father.  Where I’m from if a woman has 3 kids by 3 different men they are classified as loose or easy for lack of better terms.  You will learn more about my story but I am going to bring you up to speed on the current day. 
Today 10/14/2012.  I am still trying to keep myself together.  I’m currently 7 months pregnant and going through this pregnancy all alone.  My unborn child father left me when I was 2 months because I neglected to get an abortion.  The father and I were in a relationship for a year.  Things were like any other relationship to me.  We had our good days and bad days.  I couldn’t fathom the thought of him leaving me during a time that I needed him most.  I had no intentions on pinning a child on him but we are both adults and we both were well aware of our actions and the consequences that came along with them.  He left me and he was serious about it.  Me being a fool would still deal with him, all the while he is doing is own thing.  That was a poor decision for me to make because I was and am constantly getting hurt.  I’m trying to give you all the “meat” of the story but there is details in between that will later be expressed in future blogs that may be random thoughts, poems, and videos.  The thing is I am still in love with him and it’s so difficult to let go.  I feel like I need him, but he’s not treating me right and I know I can do better.  Furthermore, what about my unborn child? She deserves a mother and a father who wants, loves and appreciates her.  I do, more than anything in the world.  I just don’t know if he does.  I pray that God gives me the strength to get past this and be the strong, wonderful mother that I AM to my children.  I know he will.  I just have to keep the faith.  Well, I don’t want to drain you all with my stories on the first night so I will check back in and keep you all posted.  Please stop back by.  I would love to hear from you!  And there is a lot more about this lovable person that I would love to share J

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