Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Lovely Day

Today was a lovely day.  Nothing extra.  I'm just blessed to be able to say God has kept me.  If I haven't shared with you all; for the past 3 days I've been performing my civil duty as a Juror in my City.  The case is now settled and I'm back to work tomorrow.  Jury duty was a wonderful experience.  I found it to be very amazing.  I'm not sure why many people try to get out of it.  As a result of me serving 3 days, if I am selected again within the next three years I can opt to not participate.  If I do get selected I don't think I will opt out.  I have a feeling I will be selected again because every opportunity I have to vote I do so #OBAMA 2012.  I hear that's how they select people for jury duty where I am from.  Anyway.  I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.  The kiddies are resting... well all accept for this little angel in my womb right now... I will soon be off to dream land.  May you all have a super blessed night!

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