Monday, October 15, 2012

Late Nights/Early Mornings

I cannot sleep right now.  My unborn child Lyric is kicking the mess out of me.  She always want to be up at night.  Not to mention there is a million thoughts running through my head.  Here I am still thinking about my daughters father.  I love him so much.  Why he left me I still can't comprehend.  I want to think he doesn't love me or care any longer but everytime I refrain from contacting him... he contacts me.  He contacted me this morning after a few days of hearing nothing at all from him.  He sent me as message saying that he woke up wanting to kiss me.  Attached to the message was a song.  An additional message read: Good morning beautiful.  I hope you had a wonderful weekend and I hope you have a blessed and stress free day.  In my mind i'm like "What da hell?"  This message just made me stressed because you're acting like you care and in all actuality you DON'T.  Or am I looking too much into a simple message and he was just being nice.  I really don't know how to handle him or what to do concerning him.  All I can do is pray for the wisdom to make the right decisions.  I want to fight for my family but I don't want to be niave.  I don't want to be played or taken advantage of.  Ever since he has contacted me he set me back from the progress I had made regarding NOT contacting him.  I really don't know what to expect. 
By belly is growing, becoming more prominent.  I feel like I look like i'm due any day now and i'm only 7 months.  I can't believe I was stressing my whole entire pregnancy.  This was not at all the joyful experience I expected.  I'm so grateful Lyric is healthy! She's so strong!  I was trying to think of some acronyms for her.  L (Lovely) Y (Young) R (Resilient) I (Incredible) C (Child).  LYRIC!  I love my baby girl.  My children brings me so much joy.  It hurts my heart to know that her father didn't want her.  I'm feeling better because he's embracing her now but children are a gift from God and they should be cherished!  I am going to try to get some sleep.  I think I want to write a letter to my unborn child.  That may or may not be the next thing I post.  We shall see.  In the mean time In between time... I wish you all peace and blessings.  Good Night!!!

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