Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Galations 5: 22-23

But the fruits if the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.
What this means to me. We as humans are driven by a spirit. Whether the spirit is good, bad or even wavering between the two because no one person on this planet is perfect. What are fruits? A fruit in the form of a noun is a sweet fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed that can be eaten as food. Lets break this down. I'm no bible scholar but God speaks to and gives me revelation. We're talking about fruits of the SPIRIT here. A lot of the text in the bible is in the form of analogies. With that being said just as fruits bare seeds... As should we. We do actually, on the natural and on the spiritual. The fruits mentioned above represents the spirit of God. We were created in the image of God, that means to be God-like. By possessing these fruits we represent the God in us. All of these fruits are essential to how people view us. They display characteristics. How do you want to be perceived by others? If you were to leave this place this very second how will you be remembered? Not only are these characteristics vital to a successful christian life but they are vital to living a GOOD life in general. I employ you all to examine yourselves and i challenge you... If you are not already displaying these fruits in your life. Try it. Adopt these actions. Let the seed be planted into your spirit and passed down from generation to generation. Displaying these fruits do NOT mean that you will be perfect however I think with these fruits we as a people will feel better. These fruits helps us to manage certain situations in our lives. These are just my thoughts. I hope they were enlightening. Peace and Love!

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