Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Random Thoughts

Today i wrote Lyric a love letter. In case you don't know. Lyric is my unborn child. The letter consists of 3 parts. Im debating on whether I want to share it with the world. I think i am, just not at this very moment. The letter is so special to me. Lyric is special to me. I can't wait for arrival.

Today was my first day back to work after Jury Duty. Work was cool. I missed my co-workers. They missed me too! My boss really liked her Boss day/Birthday gift. I have the absolute best manager. She is definitely is worthy, she works hard.

It's funny how Lyrics dad has not contacted me in two days. I really do not understand him. I don't know if he needs space or if he lost interest. Either way I have to move on with my life and do whats best for me and my kids. Im grateful that today I can say that I am not stressed. Still a little sad but im managing. Today is better than yesterday and even if it weren't I still wouldn't complain. I would just say "Thank you Lord" and keep it moving.

That was my day folks. I hope you all have a super blessed night!

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